Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hans Roslings "Gapminder"
Aber ist die Welt tatsächlich so eindeutig zweigeteilt in reich und arm?
Hans Rosling, ein schwedischer Professor für internationale Gesundheit in Stockholm ist da anderer Meinung. Nach Jahrzehnten der Feldforschung und vielen tausend Interviews mit Menschen aus den so genannten "dritte-Welt Ländern" glaubt er, genug gesehen zu haben um ein anderes Bild der Welt zu beweisen. Und das tut er in einer spektakulär eingängigen Weise, kostenlos und einfach zugänglich über das Internet:
Auf seiner Gapminder-Homepage macht er statistische Daten zugänglich und visualisiert sie, indem er die Daten im Zeitverlauf animiert. So kann man dort den Entwicklungsstand von Bangladesh in einem "Wettrennen" gegen Pakistan antreten lassen und die immensen Veränderungen in den meisten "Entwicklungsländern" im Zeitraffer beobachten. Beliebige Länder lassen sich in ihrer Entwicklung vergleichen. Jedes Land ist als ein Kreis entsprechend seiner Größe dargestellt und je nachdem welche Entwicklungs-Parameter eingestellt sind , können wir wie in einem Glas Soda beobachten, wie die Bläschen aufsteigen und sich der Zustand unserer Welt verändert hat und vielleicht weiterhin verändern wird.
Und tatsächlich ist so mancher statistisch belegter Entwicklungsparameter (wie zum Beispiel Lebenserwartung, pro Kopf-Einkommen oder pro Kopf CO²-Ausstoß) für eine Überraschung gut. So kann sich jeder selbst davon überzeugen, dass so manches Bild, das wir uns heute von der sogenannten "dritten Welt" machen, tatsächlich ein halbes Jahrhundert alt ist und heute nur noch wenig mit der Realität zu tun hat.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
еще возможности
еще возможности
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Features (Updated)
+ Object-Oriented Design
+ DirectX 9.0(main)
+ DirectX 10.0, 10.1(optional)
+ Way to DirectX 11
Shading, Lighting:
+ Deferred Shading
+ Forward Shading
+ Light Pre-Pass Rendering
+ Per-pixel lighting, more than 100 lights in frame
+ Fully dynamic lighing
+ Special Dinamic LightMaps(will give 500-1000 dynamic lights in frame)(in progress)
+ more
Post Effects:
+ High-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Low-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Screen-space ambient occlusion
+ Per pixel Motion Blur
+ Many variations of Depth of field effect
+ Haze effect
+ Bloom
+ Gamma-correction
+ Screen Space Global Illumination Effect
+ User post effects(Visual Editor)
+ more
+ LUA scripting + luabind
+ AngelScript
+ Visual Scripting Editor
+ more
Meshes, Animations:
+ Skeletal Animation(GPU/CPU skinning)
+ Animation Blending
+ Morph meshes(in progress)
+ Inverse Kinematics(in progress)
+ Static meshes
+ Simply Terrain(in progress)
+ Billboarding
+ more
+ Flexible material system, shaders generating (library of the prepared materials)
Any materials and effects which you can only think of :)
Sky, Whater, Rain, Decals, Fog, Sun, Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Light,
Soft particles, Distortion, Reflection, Refraction, etc
+ Two-Sided Shading
+ Lens Flares
+ Subsurface scattering
+ more
Audio, Video:
+ OpenAL
+ Theora video
+ Frustum Culling
+ Occlusion Culling
+ Level of Detail
+ more
+ Advanced GUI system
+ full support AGEIA PhysX
+ ODE(optional)
Networking System:
+ Client/Server Architecture,UDP,TCP(in progress)
+ Plugins for 3ds max7,8,9/ Maya6,7,8.
+ Support obj, 3ds file formats
+ Collada(in progress)
Engine Editors:
+ WYSIWYG Scene Editor (has two modes: InGame, InEditor)
+ Material Editor
+ Skeletal Mesh Editor
+ Animations Blender Editor
+ Static Mesh Viewer
+ Visual User Post Effects Editor
+ Visual Scripting System (Destiny Editor)
+ Physics Editor
+ Particles System Editor
+ more
+ more than 200K C++ source code lines
+ more than 20K shaders source code lines
Old screanshots:
Features (Updated)
+ Object-Oriented Design
+ DirectX 9.0(main)
+ DirectX 10.0, 10.1(optional)
+ Way to DirectX 11
Shading, Lighting:
+ Deferred Shading
+ Forward Shading
+ Light Pre-Pass Rendering
+ Per-pixel lighting, more than 100 lights in frame
+ Fully dynamic lighing
+ Special Dinamic LightMaps(will give 500-1000 dynamic lights in frame)(in progress)
+ more
Post Effects:
+ High-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Low-Dynamic Range Rendering
+ Screen-space ambient occlusion
+ Per pixel Motion Blur
+ Many variations of Depth of field effect
+ Haze effect
+ Bloom
+ Gamma-correction
+ Screen Space Global Illumination Effect
+ User post effects(Visual Editor)
+ more
+ LUA scripting + luabind
+ AngelScript
+ Visual Scripting Editor
+ more
Meshes, Animations:
+ Skeletal Animation(GPU/CPU skinning)
+ Animation Blending
+ Morph meshes(in progress)
+ Inverse Kinematics(in progress)
+ Static meshes
+ Simply Terrain(in progress)
+ Billboarding
+ more
+ Flexible material system, shaders generating (library of the prepared materials)
Any materials and effects which you can only think of :)
Sky, Whater, Rain, Decals, Fog, Sun, Volumetric Fog, Volumetric Light,
Soft particles, Distortion, Reflection, Refraction, etc
+ Two-Sided Shading
+ Lens Flares
+ Subsurface scattering
+ more
Audio, Video:
+ OpenAL
+ Theora video
+ Frustum Culling
+ Occlusion Culling
+ Level of Detail
+ more
+ Advanced GUI system
+ full support AGEIA PhysX
+ ODE(optional)
Networking System:
+ Client/Server Architecture,UDP,TCP(in progress)
+ Plugins for 3ds max7,8,9/ Maya6,7,8.
+ Support obj, 3ds file formats
+ Collada(in progress)
Engine Editors:
+ WYSIWYG Scene Editor (has two modes: InGame, InEditor)
+ Material Editor
+ Skeletal Mesh Editor
+ Animations Blender Editor
+ Static Mesh Viewer
+ Visual User Post Effects Editor
+ Visual Scripting System (Destiny Editor)
+ Physics Editor
+ Particles System Editor
+ more
+ more than 200K C++ source code lines
+ more than 20K shaders source code lines
Old screanshots:
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ukraine: Fireworks - close & personal
We are celebrating May 9th, the Victory Day in Kiev. It's a huge celebration with a parade and fireworks. A few nights earlier, I made friends with a few knowledgeable locals and got the scoop on the best places in the city to watch the fireworks. The consensus was that it was Slava Park, which is on the banks of the river Dnepr, high up, with visibility all across the city. Sounds great, right?
Well, before the fireworks, we stopped to have dinner with our friends. While there, and after quite a few rounds of Vodka (this is a true Russian dinner), the friends had other suggestions for the fireworks. We are happy, belly full, and drunk, so it all sounds good to us. We grab a taxi, and as we are heading to Vladimirskaya Gorka, instead of Slava Park,.. I'm thinking.. how come there is no traffic this way? How come the streets aren't blocked off? And how come the driver doesn't know where we are going.. isn't the whole city going to watch the fireworks? Turns out they were... in Slava Park ;)
So we get there.. keep asking people which way to go, since there is no crowd to follow. Eventually we come to this park.. with some people here and there, and a big area roped off with policemen in front of it. I figured, hey, they would know. Looking all cute and "lady-in-distress"-like, I approach one.
"Excuse me nice policeman, would you be so kind as to tell me where the fireworks are going to happen?"
He looks at me like I had just escaped from somewhere where they have nice ladies in white coats speaking in soft calm voices. Then turns and points to a cannon about 100 ft behind him.
"Here's the cannon..."
I'm slowly starting to understand.
"Hmm.... and when are the fireworks?" I ask him.
He is probably again wondering where I escaped from.
"At 9pm" he says.
I look at the watch, it's 8:57. Then I look at him, look at the watch, and look at the cannon... and say ..
"I should run, shouldn't I?"
He says, "yeah."
With that, I put about another 200ft distance between me and the cannon, when I jump and grab my friend at the first BOOM. I can't complain that were were too far to see the fireworks :) And here's the 12 seconds of proof,