Sunday, March 15, 2009

Royal Brush Company Drawing Sets

Hello, all.

I am excited to announce that the Royal Brush Company has recently released several drawing sets, two of which feature images that I created. : )
A special thanks goes to the guys @ Royal Brush Co., (the makers of Royal & Langnickel brushes) and Gus Dovellos, the V.P. of Sales and Marketing. They found my website and asked for the rights to use a couple of my images on their products.

That was a year ago, and now, they are finally here @ Hobby Lobby in Greensboro. I was running errands for my wife when I walked by a set and did a double-take. I yelled out loud and everyone around me thought I was nuts, but I didn't care, it was great!!!!
The image is one that I submitted for the IF topic "Strings". There is at least one more set with one of my figure drawings on it, but I didn't have enough money to get it. I hope they still have it when I go back (there was only one).
I'm not sure where or in which parts of the country the sets would be. They include a set of woodless graphite pencils, drawing pencils, charcoals, and pastels (black, white, sanguine, and gray, I think), along with erasers and a sharpener.
I just had to share... I am sooo excited about this!
Have a great week!

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