Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Choosing the right cloth nappy for you and your baby.

Choosing the right cloth nappy for you and your baby.

There are quite a few factors to consider when choosing the right option for you and your baby.

How much do you want to spend?
What nappy system do you want?
Who will use the nappies with your child?
How are you going to dry your nappies?

How much do you want to spend?

Money is a big factor in choosing a nappy system. It’s the outlay at the beginning that people are most aware of. When buying disposables people don’t realise how much they spend, as the money is spent in dribs and drabs.

Many councils run incentive schemes. These help mums and mums to be to make a small purchase of real nappies before buying in bulk. Visit your council website and see what they offer in your area. These schemes are designed to encourage people to try nappies who wouldn’t normally bother.

What nappy system do you want?

A two-part system consists of a separate ‘fitted’ or ‘flat’ nappy and a wrap (waterproof outer).

Pocket nappies have a waterproof wrap attached to a liner and a ‘pocket’ to put your inserts in. This means you can wash then in two parts but they can be put on like a disposable in one part.

An All-in-one nappy has an outer wrap that is attached to an absorbent inner nappy, either permanently sewn in or fastened in with poppers.

Who will use the nappies with your child?

You need to consider whether the nappies will be going to nursery, to grannies and grandads and most importantly whether daddy will be changing baby’s bum.

How are you going to dry your nappies?

This can heavily influence what you buy and how many nappies you have in your ‘stash’.

If you have a tumble drier this means you can basically buy many of the products on the market. If not, then you need to consider how long the nappies will take to dry either at room temperature or on the washing line.
Fabrics like bamboo can generally take longer to dry than micro fibre so make sure you ask these questions of whoever sells you your nappies.

Bibs N Bots making reusable nappies child play!

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