Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Children's TV Heroes...RIP

Sad to hear about the deaths of two people who, however subconsciously, must have shaped my viewing tastes as a kid. Oliver Postgate, the creator of Ivor The Engine, Bagpuss and The Clangers, inspiration behind Radiohead's There There and as it turns out a political thinker too. When I was a researcher I had to track down the owner of the rights to The Clangers and ended up phoning Mr Postgate himself. It was just like having Bagpuss answer the phone and I was in awe.

Also news that the director Bob Spiers has died. Rarely do you notice who has directed a sit com or a TV show but his name always stood out. He was brought in specifically to give Press Gang (ostensibly a children's programme) a grown-up telly look and you could always tell his episodes from those put together by other directors. I was wondering why I'd not seen his name on anything recently. His credits read like a history of British TV comedy.

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