Saturday, January 31, 2009

Twilight Official Saga Guide

Well, apparently the totally awesome Twilight official saga guide was available to be bought today, 1st of February, 2009. But aftr a bit of web browsing, I have been lead to believe that we won't be seeing it until September. Now, the sources aren't 100% accurate, but enough to deter my former happy spirits.

If you have no idea what it is, heres a summary, of a website:
"Fans of the #1 New York Times bestselling Twilight Saga will treasure this definitive official guide! 

This must-have hardcover edition--the only official guide--is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the Twilight Saga and provides readers with everything they need to further explore the unforgettable world Stephenie Meyer created in 
Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.

With exclusive new material, character profiles, genealogical charts, maps, extensive cross-references, and much more, this comprehensive handbook is essential for every Twilight Saga fan."

I could see from the goodreads website that Publish Date was 30th of December 2009, but that could easily be a typo. On Barnes and Noble, it was 30th of September 2009. Also, Amazon says it's not released yet, so as of right now, I am confused.
In conclusion, I hop we see the book soon, since it would make a good birthday present ;)

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