Saturday, January 31, 2009

Visits before the Salon des Vins de Loire

30th January 2009

Tom and Jim had very good conditions for the drive from Calais down to Saumur where we had our first visits – Thierry Germain (Domaine des Roches Neuves) and Jean-Pierre Chevallier (Château de Villeneuve). With Thierry we tasted the 2008 Saumur-Champigny and Saumur which, although just babies now, are looking promising. Thierry is continuing to look for more finesse and subtlety in his wines. The high point of our visit was a vertical tasting of Thierry's Marginale, his top Saumur-Champigny, going back to 1993 – the first vintage of this cuvée. The 2006, 2002, 1999 and 1995 were the stars of the tasting.

This rather delayed us so we got to Jean-Pierre a bit late. Fortunately this wasn't a problem as he was with a journalist from Cuisine et vins de France. We didn't taste any 2008s with JP. Instead we tasted some recent vintages. The honeyed and citric 2007 straight Saumur stood out as did the 2006 and 2007 Saumur-Champignys. JP will be releasing just one red in 2007 and this should be excellent value as it will include what would normally go to make up the Vieilles Vignes and Le Grand Clos. JP judged that the quality just wasn't there in 2007 to release his top cuvées.

Vines@Domaine des Roches Neuves

Interestingly both Thierry and Jean-Pierre talked about they way their wine styles have moved away from being influenced by Bordeaux to Burgundy. Although Cabernet Franc is a Bordeaux variety, Thierry and Jean-Pierre, who are very good friends and constantly taste each others wines, now believe that the finesse of Burgundy is more what they want than the power of Bordeaux. Certainly I think the culture of the Loire with its family units has more in common with Burgundy than Bordeaux, especially at the top end. However, one should dismiss their earlier vintages. Le Grand Clos 1996 from Château de Villeneuve, for instance, remains an extremely good wine that is aging very well.

After quickly checking our bags into the Hotel du Mail, our hotel of choice when in Angers, dinner that evening was with Christophe and Claire Daviau (Domaine de Bablut). Une Ile is run by the Gerard and Catherine Bossé, who used to have Les Tonnelles on the Isle Behuard close to Savennières. They closed Les Tonnelles in December and opened this new restaurant in Angers on 21st January. The cooking is extremely good but not cheap, particularly with sliding sterling. We chose the entry level 48€ menu – amuse bouche, St Jacques poelées au beurre de truffe, brochet de Loire au beurre blanc and dessert chocolate. After a glass of Champagne Drappier zero dosage we enjoyed the rich and subtle 2006 Les Treilles Domaine Jo Pithon.

Les Treilles is the very steep south-facing vineyard overlooking the River Layon that Jo cleared of scrub at the end of the 1990s and planted in 2000. Following his bust up last January with his business partner, entrepreneur Philip Fournier, Jo has managed to keep this special vineyard.

Visits before the Salon des Vins de Loire

30th January 2009

Tom and Jim had very good conditions for the drive from Calais down to Saumur where we had our first visits – Thierry Germain (Domaine des Roches Neuves) and Jean-Pierre Chevallier (Château de Villeneuve). With Thierry we tasted the 2008 Saumur-Champigny and Saumur which, although just babies now, are looking promising. Thierry is continuing to look for more finesse and subtlety in his wines. The high point of our visit was a vertical tasting of Thierry's Marginale, his top Saumur-Champigny, going back to 1993 – the first vintage of this cuvée. The 2006, 2002, 1999 and 1995 were the stars of the tasting.

This rather delayed us so we got to Jean-Pierre a bit late. Fortunately this wasn't a problem as he was with a journalist from Cuisine et vins de France. We didn't taste any 2008s with JP. Instead we tasted some recent vintages. The honeyed and citric 2007 straight Saumur stood out as did the 2006 and 2007 Saumur-Champignys. JP will be releasing just one red in 2007 and this should be excellent value as it will include what would normally go to make up the Vieilles Vignes and Le Grand Clos. JP judged that the quality just wasn't there in 2007 to release his top cuvées.

Vines@Domaine des Roches Neuves

Interestingly both Thierry and Jean-Pierre talked about they way their wine styles have moved away from being influenced by Bordeaux to Burgundy. Although Cabernet Franc is a Bordeaux variety, Thierry and Jean-Pierre, who are very good friends and constantly taste each others wines, now believe that the finesse of Burgundy is more what they want than the power of Bordeaux. Certainly I think the culture of the Loire with its family units has more in common with Burgundy than Bordeaux, especially at the top end. However, one should dismiss their earlier vintages. Le Grand Clos 1996 from Château de Villeneuve, for instance, remains an extremely good wine that is aging very well.

After quickly checking our bags into the Hotel du Mail, our hotel of choice when in Angers, dinner that evening was with Christophe and Claire Daviau (Domaine de Bablut). Une Ile is run by the Gerard and Catherine Bossé, who used to have Les Tonnelles on the Isle Behuard close to Savennières. They closed Les Tonnelles in December and opened this new restaurant in Angers on 21st January. The cooking is extremely good but not cheap, particularly with sliding sterling. We chose the entry level 48€ menu – amuse bouche, St Jacques poelées au beurre de truffe, brochet de Loire au beurre blanc and dessert chocolate. After a glass of Champagne Drappier zero dosage we enjoyed the rich and subtle 2006 Les Treilles Domaine Jo Pithon.

Les Treilles is the very steep south-facing vineyard overlooking the River Layon that Jo cleared of scrub at the end of the 1990s and planted in 2000. Following his bust up last January with his business partner, entrepreneur Philip Fournier, Jo has managed to keep this special vineyard.

Twilight Official Saga Guide

Well, apparently the totally awesome Twilight official saga guide was available to be bought today, 1st of February, 2009. But aftr a bit of web browsing, I have been lead to believe that we won't be seeing it until September. Now, the sources aren't 100% accurate, but enough to deter my former happy spirits.

If you have no idea what it is, heres a summary, of a website:
"Fans of the #1 New York Times bestselling Twilight Saga will treasure this definitive official guide! 

This must-have hardcover edition--the only official guide--is the definitive encyclopedic reference to the Twilight Saga and provides readers with everything they need to further explore the unforgettable world Stephenie Meyer created in 
Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.

With exclusive new material, character profiles, genealogical charts, maps, extensive cross-references, and much more, this comprehensive handbook is essential for every Twilight Saga fan."

I could see from the goodreads website that Publish Date was 30th of December 2009, but that could easily be a typo. On Barnes and Noble, it was 30th of September 2009. Also, Amazon says it's not released yet, so as of right now, I am confused.
In conclusion, I hop we see the book soon, since it would make a good birthday present ;)

Rompers Collections

Just One Year (Carter's) Romper
Size : 0-3M(Sold), 6M
Price : RM35.00 per set

Carter's Romper Dress -Blue
Size: 9M
Price: RM29.00

Baby Gap Romper -Flower
Size: 3-6M (Sold), 12-18M (Sold)
Price: RM24.00

Carter's Romper Dress - Orange
Size: 3M(Sold), 9M, 12M(sold)
Price: RM29.00

Carter's Romper Dress -Pink
Size: 6M, 9M(Sold), 12M (Sold)
Price: RM29.00

Carter's Rompers (Bear) - Yellow & White Stripes
Size : 6M, 9M
Price : RM29.00

Gymboree Rompers
Size : 3-6M
Price : RM29.00

Next Long Sleeve Rompers -Beige
Size: 3-6M, 6-9M
Price : RM29.00

Next Long Sleeve Rompers -Orange
Size : NB, 0-3M
Price : RM29.00

Carters Lavender Rompers (Sold Out)
Size: NB, 3m, 6m, 9M
Price:RM30 - 4 pcs

Zdrowie, obywatelu

Pamiętajcie, obywatele - jeśli zamawiacie czekoladę z mlekiem w Kej Ef Si i smakuje mlekiem, należy ją ZAMIESZAĆ. ((: ***;


Kasztan zrasta.

Chinese New Year

This year is a little special for us children because 爸爸 and 妈妈 bring us to 極樂寺 for our annual 拜拜. These couple of years, 爸爸 and 妈妈 will bring us to temple to pray for our health, well-being, safety, happiness...... and the list goes on. We lighted a candle for our 合家. There were many people visiting, traffic jam all the way up and down the hill. But it was worth it, because the lights are amazing. 妈妈 took the photo with the pagoda and lights, she thinks it looks very artistically interpreted.

I'm taking photos with these lovely flowers because 爸爸 and 妈妈 say I am dressed in yellow like them..

Since it's getting late and we're all tired... we did not take the new tram up to the 观音statue. 爸爸 say, let's save it for next trip. 弟弟 is also getting tired and cranky, he's not as good at posing for photos like me so we get less photos with him.

Au diapason !

En passant chez, j'ai souri en voyant les couleurs utilisées par Nathalie et ai eu envie de vous montrer la dernière tunique de Clotilde. On attend pour prendre les photos sur mannequin, il fait vraiment trop froid !

Tubique Plum puddinG, printemps 2009.
Carters Longsleeve Romper (A)
Size: 6M, 12M
Price: RM35.00

Carters Longsleeve Romper (B)
Size: 6M, 18M

Carters Longsleeve Romper (C)
Size: 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M
Price: RM35.00


Trabzonspor her geçen gün futboluna kalite katıyor. Ankaraspor karşısında da Şampiyonluk yolunda ne kadar ciddi olduklarını gösterdiler. Fenerbahçe maçından sonra zorlu Ankara deplasmanında da bir çok pozisyonu cömertçe harcamalarına rağmen, 2 - 0 gibi net bir skorla sahadan ayrıldılar. Gökhan Ünal'ın golü bana Henry'i hatırlattı. Henry vari bir goldü. Ayağının içiyle uzak köşeye öyle bir yere gönderdi ki kaleci de bizim gibi izledi. Song bu ligde izlediğim en iyi savunma oyuncularından biri... Alanzinho ise sahada kaldığı süre içerisinde kalitesini gösterdi. Uyum sorununu çabuk aşarsa, çok faydalı olacağa benziyor. Ancak Kolbastıyı öğrenmesi için biraz zamana ihtiyacı var. Bu galibiyet ile lider Sivasspor'u puan olarak yakaladılar. Trabzon'u izlerken keyif alıyorum. Ersun Yanal'ı ve onun her zaman yanında olan başkan Sadri Şener'i de kutlamak lazım. Ben ona Trabzon'un Laportası diyorum ve Trabzonlu arkadaşlarım bana çok gülüyor. Trabzonlular gerçekten; başarılı, kendinden emin, nerede ne konuşacağını bilen, polomiklerden uzak duran bir başkana sahipler.


21 Mayıs 2005 Atatürk OLimpiyat Stadı. Liverpool - Milan Şampiyonlar Ligi finali. O unutulmaz maç ve oyuna başlayan 2 isim bugün bizim ligimizde forma giyiyor. Fotoğraftakiler Milan Baros ve Harry Kewell ...
Bu ise 12 Aralık 2008 Ankaragücü - Galatsaray maçı...
Bugün Liverpool ile Milan arasında oynanan o müthiş finali izlerken bu ayrıntı dikkatimi çekti. O finali izlerken bana biri böyle birşeyin gerçekleşeceğini söylese, gerçekten gülüp geçerdim. Ama futbol gerçekten ilginç bir oyun. Harry Kewell'ın yaşadığı talihsiz sakatlıklar ve Milan Baros'un Euro 2004'den sonra yaşadığı düşüş, bu iki yıldızı Florya'ya sürükledi.

Ein Windfang gegen Gletscherschmelze

Im Rahmen einer Projektstudie des geographischen Instituts der Uni Mainz, wurde für den Rhonegletscher ein "Windfang" entwickelt und probeweise aufgebaut. Ziel der Unternehmung war es, Wege aufzuzeigen, wie der Rückgang der Alpengletscher, speziell in der Sommerzeit verlangsamt werden könnte. Nun gibt es einen Film zum Projekt.

Viele Alpengletscher sind derzeit von einem dramatischen Abschmelzen betroffen. Seit Jahrzehnten ist die jährliche Massenbilanz fast aller Alpengletscher negativ, mit weiter steigender Tendenz. Geht die Klimaerwärmung unvermindert weiter, wird es in 80-100 Jahren keine Alpengletscher mehr geben, so die Prognosen. Dies hätte nicht nur enorme ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen für die unmittelbare Umgebung, sondern auch für ganz Europa: u.a. auf die Energieerzeugung, die Schiffbarkeit der großen Flüsse Rhein und Rhône durch Niedrigwasser (insbesondere im Sommer) aufgrund der fehlenden Wasserspeicher in den Alpen, Hochwassergefahr mit sehr kurzen Vorwarnzeiten, Rückgang der Trinkwasserreserven und Einschränkung der Trinkwassergewinnung entlang der großen Flüsse, auf die Flora und Fauna sowie auch auf den für die Alpenregion ökonomisch wichtigen Sommer- und Wintertourismus.

Unter der Leitung von Professor Dr. Hans Joachim Fuchs entstand nun das Projekt eines Windfangs, der das Abschmelzen des Rhonegletschers nachweißlich abschwächen sollte. Dieser Windfang wurde darauf angelegt, die katabischen Winde (kalte Fallwinde), die pulsierend über den Gletscher ins Tal hinab fließen auf dem Gletscher aufzufangen und dort einen Kaltluftsee mit Kühlwirkung entstehen zu lassen.

In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekturstudenten und einem Ingenieur-Büro wurde die Konstruktion des Windfangs entwickelt. Vorbereitende Tests an kleindimensionalen Modellen brachten erste Anhaltspunkte über die Wirksamkeit des Projekts. Nach der Installation der Struktur aus Stahlstreben und Planen wurden an verschiedenen Punkten auf dem Gletscher Klimamessungen vorgenommen und anschließend die Ergebnisse ausgewertet.
Fazit: Der Windfang hat einen Effekt - Die Temperaturen im Windfang haben nachts im Schnitt 1,5 bis 2 Grad, in der Spitze sogar bis zu 3 Grad Celsius tiefer gelegen als außerhalb des Windfangs. Eine mindernde Wirkung auf die Schmelze wird vermutet, konnte aber aus technischen Gründen nicht nachgewiesen werden.

In allen Stadien des Projektes waren Studenten der Mainzer und der Karlsruher Universität beteiligt. Sämtliche Ergebnisse lassen sich auch auf der Homepage des Projekts betrachten. Gleichzeitig erzeugte das Projekt auf dem Gletscher ein gewisses Medieninteresse, so hat der SWR einen Film über das Projekt gedreht:

Die Film-Premiere im Frankfurter Hof findet am Sonntag, 8. Februar 2009 um 17 Uhr statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. Im Anschluss an den Film besteht Gelegenheit zu informellen Gesprächen mit den Beteiligten der Projektstudie.

Das ZDF-Umweltmagazin wird am Sonntag, 1. Februar 2009, um 13.15 Uhr einen Beitrag vom Gletscher-Projekt der Mainzer Geographen als Aufmacher seiner Sendung zeigen.

Quellen: Internetseite der Projektstudie, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft



Joan Miró

"Au globule de vie toute la chance et pour cela qu’il s’agglomère à lui-même autant de fois que la goutte de pluie sur la feuille et la vitre, selon les tracées pas plus tôt décidés que disparus dont elle garde le secret et cela en autant de sens qu’indiquent les rayons du soleil. C’est comme les perles de ces petites boîtes rondes de l’enfance jouet comme on n’en voit plus qui ne tenaient pas quitte tant qu’au prix d’une longue patience on n’en avait pas ponctué jusqu’au dernier alvéole une bouche esquissant un sourire. La tête d’Ogmius coiffée du sanglier sonne toujours aussi clair par l’ondée d’orage : à jamais elle nous offre un visage frappé du même coin que les cieux. Au centre, la beauté originelle, balbutiante de voyelles, servie d’un suprême doigté par les nombres."

André Breton / Constellations / Signe ascendant / Poésie/ Gallimard

Aku dan hari ini

Hari ini hari sabtu. Hari terakhir dibulan Januari 2009. Terlalu cepat masa berlalu. Aku dah tak larat dah nak melayan pesakit lagi. Jadiini aku kerja sekerat hari aje. Lepas tutup klinik, aku pergi bawak anak2 makan tengahari di Pizza Hut. Ramai pulak orang hari ini. Bila dah ramai, pizza pun rasa lain. Lebih banyak tepung berbanding topping. Pukul 2.30 baru sampai rumah.

Pukul 3.30 aku bawak anak2 lelaki aku ke pertandingan motosikal lasak di Indahpura. Sampai sana orang dah ramai tapi motosikal satu pun tak nampak. Tiba2 aku terdengar siren polis diikuti dengan deruan bunyi motosikal besar polis trafik, motosikal kapcai dan diakhiri dengan deretan kereta2 kerajaan. Rupa2nya ada majlis politik. Menteri Sukan ada datang rasmi majlis daa. Ini yang aku boring ni. Aku nak nak tengok motocross dan bukannya nak jumpa ahli2 politik. Menunggu aturcara majlis yang aku malas ni. Mula2 ada kompang, lepas tu ada tarian singa, lepas tu ada ucapan. Lepas tu upacara perasmian, upacara makan2.. Selepas setengah jam pun tak habis lagi gayanya. Kenapa tak terus aje ke padang? Duit yang dibazirkan untuk persiapan pentas, jamuan, perarakan, kompang, tarian itu semua patutnya digunakan untuk benda2 lain yang lebih berfaedah. Aku perhatikan ada kumpulan mat motor besar, kumpulan motor2 kapcai, kumpulan kelab kereta Pantera dan ada kereta modifikasi kat sana. Langsung hilang mood aku nak ambik gambar. Beberapa wajah orang politik yang aku kenal pun ada tapi aku malas nak menegur.

Aku tunggu sampai 4.15, racing tak start jugak. Aku perhatikan tak banyak pelumba. Motocross yang betul2 macam dalam tv cuma ada 5 biji aje. Itupun masih berkilat lagi. Yang lain2 aku nampak motor kapcai yang dah dimodified. Kalau aku tunggu pun buang masa aje. Balik rumah tidur lagi baik..

Malam minggu takda aktiviti. Badan pun macam kurang sihat aje. Program tv pun entah hapa2. Balik2 cerita sama yang diulang2. Tidur lagi baik..

Friday, January 30, 2009


We went to 大姨婆's house during 初一. I shake hand with my cousin, who is younger by about 1 year old. I am no longer baby of the family??

The clothes that I am wearing are gift from 薇姨婆.

At first 姐姐 is wearing Kitty t-shirt, which is gift from 薇姨婆 also. But she has a surprise present from 三姨婆 and 薇姨婆.
So she went to change into her new presents, a nice pink hat from 薇姨婆 and pretty skirt and blouse from 三姨婆. 姐姐 has so many new clothes this Chinese New Year until her wardrobe is exploding!

弟弟:姐姐, why you look different?

With 爸爸 and 妈妈